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The Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity (OCEQI) is a grassroots coalition dedicated to ending qualified immunity in Ohio and holding government accountable for its actions. This coalition is made up of volunteers, and we rely on donations from people like you to support our efforts.
Support our mission to end qualified immunity in Ohio. Your donation will go towards our efforts to raise awareness about the amendment, host events and rallies, and collect the required number of petition signatures. With your help, we can pass the Protecting Ohioans’ Constitutional Rights amendment and end qualified immunity in Ohio.
Any amount helps, whether it's $5, $50, $500, or $5,000, every donation will help us to end qualified immunity. You may also choose to make a recurring donation to support our ongoing efforts.
Together, we can end qualified immunity and hold government accountable when it violates our rights. We greatly appreciate your support and thank you for considering a donation.